Edictum praeceptorem


Appeal of a preceptor to the knighthood

Man is able to draw to himself and direct every force of the universe by making himself a suitable channel, establishing connections with it, and creating the condition for the nature of this force to compel it to flow through him, for he who stands in the higher vibrational force conquers the weaker ones.

All human systems are cybernetically interconnected, the information flows through all levels, body-mind and soul, therefore seek what is beneficial, approve everything that is right, inspire all in whom a fire is to be kindled, the train of the ancestors leads you, you are a link in a chain, You are a link in a chain that stretches on forever, as soon as one despairs another takes his place, death does not extinguish the row, in the Green Land the path of light continues, renounce all worries and hold on to the stars, those that illuminate you and guide you in the eye of the beholder, until the next one takes the lead.

What no one dares, you shall dare, what no one says, you shall say, what no one thinks, you shall dare to think, what no one starts, you shall carry out, the spirit of fullness that dwells in everyone, may they realize the magnificence of their being, discover their path and make the contribution they have come to make.

The baphometic lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from mortality to immortality.