The Walters

Jackelyn Sebastian

Published on 9/22/17 - Music Review

The Walters is a band made by five guys: Luke Olson, Walter Kosner, Michael Tirabassi, Danny Wells, and Charlie Ekhaus. They write indie rock/alternative rock music. The band formed in Chicago, Illinois in 2014. The band released their first album on November 28, 2014 called “Songs for Dads.”

A year after they released another album called “Young Men” on December 23, 2015. The album “Songs for Dads” was a big hit and is on Spotify’s United States Viral Top 50. My personal favorites from the “Songs for Dads” album are “I Love You So,” “What’s Left,” and “Life.” If you’re looking for an album to just kick back and relax too I suggest you listen to “Songs for Dads.” The album has a mellow vibe to it so you can really hear the strum of the slow strum of the guitar, the vocalist singing in a gentle tone, and the soft beat of the drums.

A popular song that The Walters are known for is “She’s Gonna Leave You.” That song is a little different than their other songs, it’s more the type of song that you could jam out to. Both albums “Songs for Dads” and “Young Men” are amazing to listen, and I recommend them for anyone who’s going out or just chilling at home looking for a relaxing vibe.

The Walters second album, Young Men.