Freaks and Geeks

Jaelyn Delora


The show Freaks and Geeks takes place in the 1980s and follows a group of awkward, dorky outcasts throughout high school. Around the show’s time of place, the stereotypical teenagers were charming, social, and more glamorous. Rather than shy, hotheaded misfits struggling to fit in with one another.

The show casts the spotlight on every character in the show, but it does have a soft spot for Lindsay who is played by Linda Cardellini, and Sam, her younger brother, played by John Daley. They both go through their struggles as Lindsay takes a hard fall from her grandmother’s passing and Sam, as a young, incoming teenager, struggles to grow up and into maturity.

The show was created and produced by Paul Feig and Judd Apatow. Judd Apatow has directed and created some of my favorite comedy movies such as Superbad, Step Brothers, Pineapple Express, and the line of movies goes on. Paul Feig has made some popular movies like Bridesmaids, Ghostbusters, Bad Teachers, and lots more. The thing both Paul and Judd have most in common is, I’m sure you can guess, is their similar comedy genres. Speaking of genres, Freaks and geeks is a teen comedy/drama which was well written for each actor. The roles of each character fit precisely with each actor. Judd had previously mentioned in an interview that Paul and himself wanted to incorporate each character with the actor’s true personality to give the roles a more realistic view.

Typically, this time (the 1980s), is idolized to be a fun, outgoing era for fashion, music, and much more. The director Judd Apatow had wanted the show to get an insider view of the geeks who we get introduced to in the first episode. The first scene introduced Sam, Neal, and Neal. They briefly have a conversation alongside the football field until they get harassed by the other character, Alan. Alan, played by Chauncey Leopardi, is a perfect role for him as he was the stereotypical cowardly bully in a sense.

Later on, in the upcoming episodes, we see a pattern of recurring events where Alan bullies the freshman in a corny way. Alan’s pestering to Sam shows us Sam’s big personality traits which are really funny, like every character in the show is. The more episodes you watch the more you can see the teenagers create a stronger bond between them.

The show’s fan base can all agree that this show is a heartwarming comedy the deeper you get into each episode. Not only was the acting and scripting great in this show, but behind the scenes, the actors all had a heartfelt perspective on the show which made them feel more comfortable and real in the acting. Almost all the actors had a boost in their career from this show because of how well-executed Freaks and Geeks is overall.

I can easily say this show was one of my favorites. Freaks and Geeks is a genuinely humble show, and I believe that’s why the true fanbase was so in love with the show and still is. My personal favorite characters were Daniel played by James Franco, Seth Rogan as Ken, and Nick played by Jason Segal. These three characters really brought out the comedy in the show. If you like humble, welcoming, and comedic based TV shows, then this is for you. Especially if you are the type of person that doesn't fit in, Freaks and Geeks make you feel normal and not like a freak.