

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

Kyrene Do

Posted on 10/8/21



Xue Ying Cai

Posted on 12/7/17

Self Doubt

Audrin Perez

Posted on 12/7/17

"I wanted to express a certain feeling we all have in our life. I connected to it the most because I always felt like I was in this box of my life, and I never really got to take risks in either art or in life in general. So with the colors I used, most of them are yellow, orange, dark grey tones. I put the yellow on her to kind of represent her emotion spreading all over her body, but then the blue wraps around her. It kind of holds her back from inside the box even though she’s trying so hard to get out even though it hurts. The pen scratches on the front of her body they kind of represent that anxious feeling. Also, the outlining of the pen around her represents that. It's almost like electricity coming off of her. I thought watercolor would work out well as it expresses what I thought in my head. Her expression kind of says 'I want to get out, but I’m too afraid too.' This piece took me about 2-3 weeks to do." - Audrin Perez


Jacob Lopez

Posted on 12/7/17

Jake Lopez is an art student and a musician. He is passionate with all his work and likes to portray his emotions through his art. Jake did an art piece on the personal struggles of a musician. The piece is based off of the first guitar he ever saw, nearby, at Old Guitar Center, and how he felt. Jake was overwhelmed with the guitar and the emotions he felt when playing it. When he first saw the guitar (in real life) it was black and hard to see, so for his painting, he gave the guitar vibrant colors that contrasted with the background colors, so that it could stand out in the way his eyes were drawn to the guitar. - Emily Urena


Audrin Perez

Posted on 12/7/17

"At first I had a different pose in this, but it didn't work out and I stuck with this one. Um, I like it the most because I did something different and not my regular shading type. I wouldn’t necessarily darken my face that much, but it did turn out better and I think I let out a lot on this piece. I don’t really remember going through anything, but I kind of just got lost in it.

In this painting, I think I really, like, brought out this feeling a lot, with a lot of texture and all of that shading. There’s a lot of cross hatching as well. There's different kinds of it everywhere. Up, down, diagonal. This piece took me about three weeks to complete." - Audrin Perez


Tiffany Farias

Posted on 12/7/17

Tiffany used a lot of colors for hair to express how vibrant and expressive her personality is. She got stuck on several parts of the drawing because she wanted to get the right texture and placement of every aspect, so it took her a long time to finish up. At the beginning of the drawing she didn’t think she’d be able to do it considering the fact that she believes she doesn’t work best with colored pencils, but when she started on the piece she felt it come together despite this. - Emily Urena


Julie Hinojosa

Posted on 12/7/17

Julie created a piece on how cruel we can be to nature. She drew an ant and a girl standing right next to each other to make the ant seem more human-like. There is so much beauty to the world and we can be so mean to it and don’t treat it with care. With her art she just likes to go for it rather than over thinking it. - Emily Urena