How do seniors and freshmen feel about beginning school virtually?

Corina Cervantes


As a result of the global pandemic, the students at Covina High School have been greatly affected. The senior class of 2020 had a lot taken away from them when schools were shut down back in March. The class of 2020 missed out on many significant and sentimental events towards the end of the year, but the freshmen class of 2024 and the senior class of 2021 may expect more to lose because of the continuous rise of COVID-19 cases.

The freshmen class of 2024 not only had their 8th grade promotions cancelled, but also their first day of high school. Freshmen who are currently enrolled at Covina High School haven’t got the chance to experience the culture and community that comes with being a Colt. The class of 2024 didn’t get to attend a traditional freshmen orientation or meet their Colt Link Leaders. Freshmen aren’t able to experience an authentic traditional high school experience and are not experiencing the "firsts" that come with freshmen year. In a survey given to freshmen, 54% enjoy online learning, while the rest do not. Although freshmen haven’t been able to experience learning in a high school setting, it is safe to say that Covina High is doing a great job at making that experience as close to learning in class as possible because 82.5% of freshmen still enjoy in class learning more than online.

The top 3 events freshman were looking forward to were in-class learning, football games, rallies, and assemblies. Many of the freshmen were expecting to meet new friends, make good first impressions for the teachers and staff on campus, and be involved in their sports and extracurricular activities. When asked, “How do you feel about beginning school virtually?” Julie Lara answered, “I am not a fan of doing school virtually as a freshman because it’s my first year of High School. I wanted to experience my first day physically. Personally for me I feel like I have no motivation to be like “YAY SCHOOL’’ if that makes sense. But I’m praying we can go back soon.” While students like Julie aren’t fans of online school, some students enjoy it because they like being in the comfort of their own homes. With the global pandemic still in mind, more than half of the freshmen class of 2024 still feel like their freshman year is something they will still be able to enjoy.

The graduating class of 2021 has some shared emotions as the freshmen do, but with the global pandemic in mind, 51.9% of seniors do not feel like their senior year is something they will still be able to enjoy. Similar to the freshmen, 51.9% of seniors also enjoy online learning while the rest do not. However, 88.5% of seniors enjoy in-class learning more than online learning. Football games were voted as the number one event seniors were looking forward to this year. Many seniors were just looking forward to traditional high school senior events and were expecting and hoping to see all of their friends, taking both pictures with friends and senior portraits, and enjoying the perks of finally being a senior which include driving, going out for lunch, and enjoying life as upperclassmen.

Many seniors have accepted beginning school virtually because of COVID-19, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that many are sad and ambivalent about the grand scheme of events. When asked, “How do you feel about beginning school virtually?” Jazlyn Rodriguez replied, “It’s not what I would have wanted, but I understand that it is necessary due to COVID-19. I will still do my best to enjoy my senior year.” On the other hand, Ethan Phan says, “I feel that you can never replace how being physically at school actually feels. Virtually, school just doesn’t feel the same.” The class of 2021 remains optimistic and patient through unprecedented times and just hopes for Covina High School to reopen sooner than later.

Although all of Covina High School students began their school year virtually and have been losing out on what would have and could have been some valuable high school experiences, many are understanding. With the information and data collected, it can be inferred that many students not only took in-class learning for granted, but being able to interact with their friends and teachers, attend school functions and events, and be involved in the overall campus life and community of school.