Mind Your Own Business

Esmeralda Camba

Published on 4/16 - Medicine

Would you donate your brain for research after you pass? Ken Baxter decided to. Recently, BBC News interviewed the 75 year old brain donor. The reason for donating his brain; he saw the effects of Dementia (Alzheimer) eating away at a friend. Most people still think he is crazy for donating his brain, but I believe it’s beautiful because this man wanted to help by giving his brain for more research on the disease that affected his friend. “When I'm finished, it isn't any use to me,” Baxter said. He’s not wrong, when you pass, you won’t be doing much thinking anymore.

Over 50,000 organ transplants have occurred in the UK. But in Wales, 490 people signed up to donate, since 2009, with 79 people donating their brain to the Brains for Dementia Research project so far. To convince more to donate, it’s important to inform people that their brain is needed for the important research on diseases.

Dementia or Alzheimer is not really a disease. It’s more a culmination of symptoms. You can start getting little symptoms from 19+. Most people who suffer from the full disease are ages 60+. 60-80% of cases have a type of Alzheimer’s that prevents the victims from performing everyday activities and thinking skills. They also suffer from memory loss.

A common way to get this is by having a stroke. Other ways include thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. Sometimes, Alzheimer’s will come out of nowhere. In this case, you must seek help right away because although it may start off slow, over time it will get worse. Doctors don’t really have a cure for the disease because they don’t know why the cells themselves degenerate and die for no reason. However, there is medication to help out with the symptoms.

I plan to donate my brain for research because I’m not going to be using my brain when I pass, plus it helps doctors try to understand this disease to find a cure. Most people tell me “You’re too young to be thinking about what you want to do with your body when you pass.” or “Are you out of your mind? Why would you even think something like that?” Yes, it’s a scary thing to think about, but I know I want to help people who are in need. And if I can still help people when I pass then so be it. I want to help in anyway I can.
