How to Pick Up Your Grade!

Ireneah Garcia and Leeza Leal

Published on 5/7/19 - Grades

With graduation around the corner, many seniors need to work on getting those grades up.

What are some easy ways to get those grades up?

  • Make-up work
  • Be nice
  • Attendance - COME TO SCHOOL!
  • Be on time to class
  • Hustle the remainder of your time in High School

When it comes to senior teachers, the majority accept make-up work. If you need to do some work then skip lunch and get it done. Always make sure it is okay with the teacher before hand though.

It's also important to remember to be respectful to your teachers. The nicer and more polite you are, the more likely they will help you.

Attendance is important. There is no way your teacher is going to let you pass the class if you don’t show up. If you haven’t been going then now is the time to start. Make it known that you are putting in an effort even if it is already the end of the year.

Just like attendance, being on time is just as important. You can’t show up late everyday, or get Starbucks every morning, that is just going to annoy the teacher and forsure isn’t going to help you get that grade up. Be on time and go to class.

Being extra nice is a bonus. If your teacher makes a joke and it isn’t funny, fake a laugh. Whenever your teacher needs help, help. Acting entitled isn't going to get you anywhere. You are the one failing the class, not them. It's your responsibility to take care of your school work.

Last but definitely not least, hustle! We are almost done with school and don’t have much time left so for the remainder of the stay, try hard and be the best you.

We went around and got quotes from most senior teachers on what you should do to get your grade up and here's what they said:


“Eighteen Saturday schools, three Wednesday schools, doing your work, stay off snapface, looking for all your missing work. Be sure to give blood and go to as many field trips as possible.”

Little G (K. Gustafson)

“Makeup quizzes or test and makeup work is only ½ credit at best, do what you're supposed to do.”


“Do your homework and do well on the final, i don't take any missing work.”


“Makeup work, or possibly even retake a test if makeup work isn't good enough. I'll do whatever it takes if a student is willing to work.”


“Do all your missing assignments and beg for mercy.”