Splitgate Review

Edward Cobian


Splitgate is the new FPS game that is quickly picking up steam. First released in 2019 this game has exploded in popularity. The game brings a fresh new twist to the fps genre that being portals. In the game, the player has a portal projector on their wrists one being yellow and the other being purple. Around the map, there are specific platforms that the portals can be projected onto. This seemingly simple mechanic makes all the difference between it and other FPS games. The game was made by 1047 Games, a team that started out with only 4 developers. Once the game started to gain players many were unable to join in on the fun as the servers were being overwhelmed with the increasing amount of players. This led to server wait times of several hours. After some time though they were able to fix the problem and wait times are now no longer than a couple of minutes. As more and more players played the game investors took notice and this led to an investor investing $10 million dollars into the game. As the game grew in popularity the developers wanted to communicate with the fan base and as such, they would have live streams where they would take questions from their chat and discuss the future of the game.

In the game there are a variety of gamemodes, maps, weapons, and cosmetics. Splitgate has a total of 15 distinct gamemodes including ranked, casual, and training categories. Some game modes are recognizable from other FPS games while others are completely new from Splitgate. Some familiar gamemodes include Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, Free for All, King of the Hill, Domination, and Kill Confirmed. These game modes are also in other popular FPS games and if you’re familiar with those games they are essentially identical. Some new gamemodes that are in Splitgate include Teabag Confirmed, Oddball, Insta Gib, and Team Shotty Snipers. As previously mentioned these gamemodes are all exclusive to Splitgate. Teabag confirmed is a twist on the conventional Kill Confirmed where a player must collect an item dropped by a dead player usually dog tags or such, but in this version, one must teabag, which is where a player repeatedly crouched and uncrouches which originated from the Halo series which theis game takes much inspiration from, on a dead enemy to confirm the kill or teabag a teammate to deny the other team the kill. Next up is Oddball, in this game mode there is a ball placed in the center of the map which must be picked up by the player, and the longer your team has possession of the ball the more points you get and the round ends when a team reaches the score limit or the time runs out and whoever has more points wins the round. After Oddball is InstaGib. This gamemode has come in two variants that are a Free for all version and a team version. This mode will automatically give the players a railgun which is a one-shot charge-up gun, but in this mode, there is no charge to use the weapon. The last exclusive gamemode is Team Shotty Snipers. This gamemode automatically gives the players a sniper for their primary weapon and a shotgun for their secondary. The game ends when the score limit is reached or time runs out. All of these gamemodes provide hours of fun, but they would be useless without the maps that they are played on. In Splitgate there are a total of 10 primary maps and 6 other maps that can only be played on custom games. These maps range from an enclosed futuristic sports stadium to a flying city high above the clouds. With all these different types of maps, one can easily spend many hours discovering new parts and designs of each map. Of course, the most important aspect of a First Person Shooter game is the weapons. The special thing about the weapons in this game is that there are no classes to be made. Everyone is spawned in with the same weapons and other better weapons can be found around the maps and depending on which map you are playing different weapons will spawn. Splitgate might not have the same amount of weapons as other FPS with only 11 total weapons, but what it lacks in quantity more than makes up in quality. All of the weapons in Splitgate are very distinct from each other with each weapon having something that makes it its own. From the simple pistol to a rocket launcher all weapons are very distinct from each other. Some noteworthy weapons are The BFB, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, and railgun. The BFB is a legendary energized one-hit baseball bat. This bat can one-hit kill enemy players a few times before its charge runs out which then makes it multiple hits per kill. The BFB can be found on the maps Abyss, Highwind, and Atlantis. The Rocket Launcher is exactly what it sounds like. It is a Legendary weapon that shoots high damaging exploding projectiles. The Rocket Launcher can be found on many maps throughout Splitgate. The Plasma Rifle is an Epic weapon that fires orbs of energy as its projectile. Also rather than having a set amount of ammunition it has a battery percentage that when it reaches 0 you can no longer fire the gun. This weapon can be found on multiple maps in the game. Finally for the last honorable mention is the Railgun. This is a legendary weapon that is practically a much more powerful sniper, but it is not a direct upgrade as to fire the railgun at its full power you must charge it up for a moment before firing. After doing so the railgun will be able to one-shot opponents no matter where they are hit. The railgun can be found on many maps in the game. Lastly, no game would be complete without some sort of customization. Splitgate has taken on the system that many games nowadays have added. That being paying for skins that don’t affect gameplay. Splitgate has a battle pass that contains skins for weapons and the player. It also has separate skin packs in its shop that are separate from the battle pass and contain various skins.

All in all Splitgate is a very entertaining game that has hours upon hours of gameplay available. Add with that with the fact that it is currently free to download it is definitely a must-get for anyone interested in FPS. Splitgate can be downloaded on PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X and S, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.