Mario kart Tour

Kelvin Calderon

Published on 10/7/19 - Video Games

Released September 25, 2019

Mario Kart Tour has taken Covina High School by storm. The mobile game has beaten Pokemon Go for the number of downloads for one day by a huge margin, even though it has a long way to reach the total amount downloads Pokemon Go has . The game trended on the internet during the week of its release and has been popular ever since.

Mario Kart Tour has done well compared to other mobile games Nintendo released before. The controls are difficult at first, but most people get used to it eventually. It has been successful thus far because of the loyal fans devoted to Nintendo and Mario Kart. A fanbase that has been accumulated for over thirty years.

Its success is also due to previous Mario Kart games and their success. It is a brand that most people know and have played when they were kids. The fact that it was released for most devices made more people download it. The game so far has challenges and race cups that people can enjoy and complete, as well as a point system to compare with your friends. The game is overall fun, but there are problems that can make the game a bit bland.

The game does have a few flaws, so even though it was just released, it may have been released too early. The biggest issue is that aren't any multiplayer races, since the game only makes you race against bots with usernames that seem real. Playing with your friends and other people is what makes traditional Mario Kart a great game, no matter how repetitive the game becomes because playing with others gives it more meaning and fun.

Pokemon Go took an entire year after it was released for multiplayer battles to come out, and may have become one of the reasons the game died out. The other issue for people may be the lack of content over all, like the lack of playable characters, and that you have to pay $4.99 for more stuff. To acquire more stuff for free, you have to obtain gems, that you also could pay real money for, and spend them on chances to get certain items. Many countries, like Belgium, have interpreted this as illegal gambling and have banned it.

It is unknown when the next major updates will come out to address these issues. Updating the game can help solve some of the criticisms the game has faced now that fan feedback is available. Everyone remembers how Pokemon Go was criticised for people's wild and sometimes illegal behavior while playing the game. Hopefully Nintendo will make considerable improvements on Mario Kart before it falls out of style.