Get Even: Netflix Show Review

Kourtney Nguyen


As Netflix continues to produce more high school-related content on its streaming platform, it’s hard to differentiate how one show differs from the rest. Most of the shows depict a romantic scenario between party A and party B. But with ‘Get Even’ though, the viewers can easily tell you it’s a show like no other. Despite only having one season, it’s more than enough to have viewers hooked on its drama and action-packed few 10 episodes.

In ‘Get Even,’ the show portrays an elite high school, Bannerman, with many flaws. For example, a teacher's relationship with a student, bullies, and inequality amongst the students attending. With these things happening, a group of four girls band together to end the corruption happening on their campus grounds. ‘D.G.M,’ is made by the four, all from different backgrounds, yet they come together for something they’re passionate about, ending the injustice happening towards the other students. D.G.M isn’t a secret to the school either though, the school sees D.G.M as a one-man show, in control of exposing and ridding of those who cause harm.

In conclusion, ‘Get Even’ is a wonderful show to start if you are interested in lots of distinct characters whom you can cheer for, and for a show filled with dramatization. It’s very hard to find a show like ‘Get Even’ because of its ability to attract viewers who find thriller shows interesting, but also those who like romance too. It’s able to incorporate the two different themes and keep the show entertaining. I highly recommend the show for a good few days’ watch.