Clubs on Campus - Quarantine Edition

Jazlyn Rodriguez


It is no secret that COVID-19 has taken a drastic toll on everybody. Covina High has stepped up to the challenge in various ways - from offering safe drive-thru school services to all its students to keeping all its students updated on each important phase in these uneasy times. Campus clubs have had to make modifications to their past methods. Here are some Covina High clubs to keep up with as they share their experiences so far with online learning:


Active Minds is a CHS club dedicated to breaking silence on mental health and bringing awareness to its importance. Interested students can fill out a Google Form with their CVUSD email to be sent a link to the club's Google Meet and Slack workspace. The link can be found on their Instagram bio.

Google Form Link:

Instagram: @chs_activeminds


Anatomy Club is a club full of learning about the human body, and right now is virtually welcoming its new and returning club members. As of right now, the club is meeting online via Google Meets where opportunities to learn about the human body will be met with learning about various careers in the health and medical fields. Future club activities will be revealed there.



D&D is a relatively new club at Covina High. Because its club members played online at school, online learning has stayed the same for the most part. The only change made was moving every game onto Discord for multiplayer fun. D&D will continue to spread joy through games, and distance is no obstacle.

Instagram: @dnd_chs


Interact is Covina High’s biggest club on campus, and even off campus, is still finding ways to inspire. Its leaders have implemented their virtual community service plans for its many members, which include utilizing the online chat room Slack as its primary way to communicate and keep it's members informed. In addition, virtual meetings will be held through Zoom calls, and the club will host relaxation calls (known as “tea parties”) every month. There is a Google Form to fill out a membership application on the club’s Instagram bio.

Google Form Link:

Instagram: @interactcolts


Key Club is another community service club at CHS, and is currently utilizing Linktree to stay connected to its club members. Membership applications can be found on their Linktree bio, which can be found on the club's Instagram bio.

Instagram: @keyclubcovina

Latino Culture Club

Covina High's diverse Latino Culture Club is keeping members connected through Google Classroom. Even during these tough times, it is important to appreciate the Latin and Hispanic culture, which will be highlighted in online meets. Future club events will be posted there and meetings will be held.

Instagram: @covinalcc


CHS continues Traweek Middle School's WEB legacy, now creating leaders to guide freshmen in their first year of high school. This year's leaders have already been selected, and are currently spending time with the freshmen in their English classes every other week.

Instagram: @colt_link


"Keeping up with the Colts" is a new IGTV way for Covina High's ASB to keep students updated. There is a new IGTV video every Wednesday, and this will be an ongoing series for the remainder of our online learning. Hosted by seniors Jessica Nieblas and Sophia Estevez, this segment showcases all kinds of CHS students, clubs, updates, and more. Stay updated on Instagram.

Instagram: @covinahighasb

Twitter: @CovinaHighASB


ASB events are in the works and more info will be available soon! Stay tuned!

Follow CHS Yearbook/Journalism on Twitter & Instagram @CardinalYbk!

Stay safe and up to date with everything Covina High, Colts!