Hamilton: An American Musical

Mia Brito

Published on 1/11/18 - Musical Review

Very rarely do I listen to “mainstream” music. I’m more of a showtime type of gal; however, Hamilton offers a perfect mix of mainstream rap styles and timeless show tunes that together could please the ears of any individual. The song selections, costumes, casting, and props seamlessly brought this historical event to life.

Hamilton tells the story of Alexander Hamilton and other founding fathers throughout their lives. While there are some inaccuracies in the play, for the most part, it follows the historical events. Seeing the play live was as if I was getting a full history lesson and actually enjoying it.

One thing that shocked most people when the play was first released was the casting choice. Lin-Manuel Miranda made the bold choice of casting founding fathers and other characters in the play as minorities when in reality they weren’t. While the play tells the same story as history does, this unique cast brings a new feel to the same old story.

The cast is amazingly talented. Everyone from Alexander Hamilton, to anyone in the ensemble, to the woman that plays the bullet that shoots Hamilton, everyone in the play is just as important as the others. They made well known historical facts new and fresh as if it was the first time you were being told the story.

Who Was There?

Alexander Hamilton……………………………………….……………………..Michael Luwoye

Eliza Hamilton…………………………………………………………………………..Solea Pfeiffer

Aaron Burr…………………………………………………………………………….....Joshua Henry

Angelica Schuyler…………………………………………………..….Emmy Raver-Lampman

George Washington………………………………………………………....……...Isaiah Johnson

Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson…………………………....……...Jordan Donica

Hercules Mulligan/James Madison………………………………..……….Mathenee Treco

John Laurens/Philip Hamilton…………………………….………………..Ruben J. Carbajal

Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds……………………………..…………………..Amber Iman

King George………………………………………………………………...…………..Rory O’Malley

Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor……………………………….…..Ryan Vasquez

Samuel Seabury…………………………………………………………………..…..Jacob Guzman

Charles Lee…………………………………………………………………………...…...Daniel Ching

George Eacker…………………………………………………………..……….Raymond Baynard

The Bullet…………...…………………………………………………………………..Jennifer Geller

Ensemble………….………………...….Raymond Baynard, Dan Belnavis, Daniel Ching, Karli Dinardo Jennifer Geller, Jacob Guzman, Sabrina Imamura, Lauren Kias, Jennifer Locke, Desmond Nunn, Ryan Vasquez

Some people think that plays are only enjoyed by older adults, and while in some cases they are correct, this couldn’t be farther from the truth when it comes to Hamilton. There is something for everyone here. The history itself would be intriguing to anyone, but the rap styling and language used has a greater appeal to today’s younger generation. Hamilton departs from the old english of that time era and joins the wonderful world of curse words and slang. This type of language opens a window that lets in perfectly placed jokes that lighten up a dramatic scene.

Hamilton is such a well known and loved play, but tickets can be quite expensive. Unfortunately, these tickets are out of reach for some, but there are still ways to get some Hamilton in your life. The play holds a lottery and for about ten dollars, and the winner gets two tickets to the play.

If you don't see yourself doing this, the entire soundtrack is all over the internet. Before I saw the play live, listening to the soundtrack would always give me goosebumps. The music itself gives off so much authentic emotion that is hard to get from anywhere else...

"Who tells your story?

Never throw away your shot.

In the eyes of the hurricane there is quiet, for a just a moment."

Happy Birthday Hamilton!