15 Things To Do When You Are Bored

Isabelle Gonzales


Are you at home, stuck with nothing to do? After our distance learning/quarantine lockdown, I think we have all had too much screen time. There has been so much free time over the past year… and too much of it has been spent on our phones, computers, video games… you name it. Now that everything is slowly reopening and some people have the vaccine... we aren’t limited as much as we used to be. We all need some fresh air once in a while so here are some non-screen activities that you can do when you are bored:

  1. Read a book: I know it sounds boring and an ordinary choice but reading is a great activity to do when you are bored. While reading it can take your mind off things, help with stress, and help with your sleeping.

  2. Go for a walk: Whether it is walking around in your backyard or taking a walk around your neighborhood, it is so beneficial for your health. You get the exercise that is needed and you get some fresh air while doing it.

  3. Plan a spa day: Even if you are a boy, it always feels good to pamper yourself. Spending a little time on yourself to look your best and feel your best is always a good thing

  4. Create playlists: Music is in everyone's life whether you realize it or not. Listening to your favorite music is also beneficial for your mental health as well.

  5. Try some Pinterest hacks: Pinterest has so many tutorials and DIY’s, you’d be busy for days. It keeps you entertained and it allows some creativity into your life.

  6. Plan your next room makeover: Re-decorate your room. Find new things to add to it and express yourself.

  7. Spend time with your family: Of course, while being safe, take some time to call or visit your family. Your loved ones are a great company to keep. Spending time with them can elevate your happiness.

  8. Create a time capsule with your friends or family: Creating time capsules with your friends and/or family is a great way of bonding. A bunch of memories are captured and created, all within the walls of a time capsule.

  9. Draw something: Let your creativity run free and flow onto the paper... create that masterpiece!

  10. Sleep: I cannot tell you how important sleep is. If you are only getting a couple of hours of sleep, go to bed right now! It helps with reducing stress, having a better mood, and lowers your risk of serious health problems.

  11. Clean and organize your life: I think this is all something we need to do. After having a room makeover, take some time out of your day to clean up around the house. Who knows… maybe even do your chores. Cleaning and organizing helps with your overall home life. You know where everything is so you won’t have to be worried about not finding something.

  12. Volunteer around your community: Helping your community is an amazing thing to do. You get to help someone in need and it leaves you feeling happy that you were able to help out.

  13. Binge-watch a tv show or movie series: Now I know that I said that we have had too much screen time but limit yourself. As long as you are aware of how much time you have spent on a screen, it will be fine.

  14. Do a puzzle: Puzzles are a great way to keep that brain thinking. Start with a small one then gradually try more challenging ones.

  15. Go sightseeing: Take a trip or go exploring around your town. Visit our world’s beautiful places.