A Quiet Place Review - Spoilerfree

Connor Kraus

Published on 4/26/18 - Film Review

To start, A Quiet Place was amazing. It is not even halfway through the year and this is definitely going to be in my top 10 favorite films this year (or even top 5). John Krasinski (Jim from The Office (US)) does an excellent job in the lead role, but, does an an even better job directing. Isn’t it ironic how some of the better thrillers of these past couple of years have been made by comedians. Jordan Peele’s Get Out in 2017 and now, A Quiet Place in 2018.

One of the most prevalent elements that is used in the movie is the sound, or lack thereof. Despite the common cliche of playing silence in horror films moments before a jump, A Quiet Place sidesteps this. Most of the film is ambient silence with only a bit of dialogue. The use of silence put me and my friends on the edge of my seat. Also, since the movie was so quiet, everyone in the audience was quiet. You could hear popcorn being chewed and that’s not an exaggeration.

John Kraninski and Emily Blunt we’re fantastic as the father and mother in the movie. Since they are a real life couple, the chemistry felt genuine and natural. In fact, the child actors were great. Usually it’s the child actors that bring down the movie, but their acting was superb for their age. The daughter is actually deaf in both the character and in real life so the sign language and her acting felt genuine. Also, the sign language in the film is mostly accurate. I talked to a sign language teacher who saw the movie as well and she said (except for one line of dialogue) that all the sign language was completely accurate.

John Krasinski directed and starred.

One fault I did have with the film though was that it did slow down in the middle. But, the lull picked up quickly and didn’t have much effect on the overall quality of the film.

Overall, this movie was a great thrill ride, that made my hairs stand up, and even got me emotional at one point (you’ll know which scene). The pros far outweigh the cons and I’m giving this an eight out of ten.

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are parents in the film and also married in real life.