Cooking Tips

  • Using the convection bake setting on your oven when baking a dish reduces cooking time by efficiently moving heat throughout the oven using fans

  • Use a minimal amount of salt in dishes, thereby allowing your guests to season to taste

  • Avoid using spices that have the word “salt” in the title (e.g., garlic salt), instead, determine which spices you like from those mixes and use those with a normal amount of salt thrown in for flavor

  • Microwaves are our friends in the kitchen – don’t forget that they can help ensure that your meat is fully cooked, warm up leftovers, steam vegetables, and cook potatoes as well as rice!

  • Try cooking meat in a dry sherry or white wine that you are serving for dinner

  • Clean up as you go to make clean up after the meal easier

  • On this website:

    • "olive oil" always means extra virgin olive oil

    • "flour" refers to unbleached all-purpose flour

    • "sugar" refers to white sugar unless otherwise stated