
Basic Turkey

Serves 6 to 8 (depending on weight of turkey)


  • 1 whole turkey (fully thawed or fresh)
  • Olive oil

Unwrap thawed or fresh turkey and cut away fat and remove any pin feathers. Wash with cold water and rinse giblets and neck. Drain turkey and pat dry. Coat bottom of the roasting pan with olive oil. Place turkey in roasting pan back side down. Add giblets and neck (optional: shove an onion or parsley in the turkey's butt).

Preheated oven to 450 degrees. Place pan in oven. Immediately reduce the temperature to 350 or 325 degrees for large turkeys. After the first half hour of cooking baste the bird every 10 minutes with drippings from the pan. Cook until the internal temperature is 165 degrees. With no thermometers, allow 20 to 25 minutes per pound for birds up to 6 pounds. For larger birds, allow 15 to 20 minutes per pound. For turkeys weighing over 16 pounds, allow 13 to 15 minutes per pound. After the first half hour, or when turkey begins to spatter, cover with lid.

Basic Wine-Based Gravy


  • Turkey drippings
  • 1/2 - 1 cup white or red wine
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch

Remove turkey and giblets from pan and set on warming platter. Over high heat, stir 1/2 cup wine into turkey stock to deglaze pan. Strain fat. Cool slightly and add cornstarch dissolved in remaining wine to thicken. Strain into a large measuring cup and reheat if needed. Pour into gravy boat to serve.

Dry Rub Turkey

Baking Temperature: 325 degrees F


  • 1 (14 to 16 pound) turkey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Holiday Rub (below)
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • Turkey neck
  • 1 - 2 cups white wine
  • Fresh rosemary to place in turkey cavity

Holiday Rub:

  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 2 teaspoons dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon dried sage
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

Prepare turkey 3-5 days before Thanksgiving. Remove thawed turkey from packaging and throughly rise inside and out. Reserve giblets for stuffing. Clean the neck and put aside to roast with turkey. Once the turkey is clean, pat dry both the inside and out of the bird.

Mix the holiday rub ingredients together in a bowl. Dry brine by rubbing the bird with olive oil and the holiday rub. Store in fridge in covered roasting pan until Thanksgiving Day.

On the day of cooking, splay turkey legs so they lie flat on the bottom of the roasting pan. Sear the legs to jump-start the cooking of the dark meat. Place turkey breast side up in roasting pan and surround with onion and the neck. Add wine to the bottom of the roasting pan and place in oven (uncovered until it starts looking too brown) on convect roast for about 2 - 3 hours or until the thickest part of the thigh registers between 165 and 170 degrees F. This recipe does not require basting unless the turkey looks dry.

Transfer turkey to platter for resting and carving (turkey will continue to cook). Tent loosely with foil for at least 30 minutes while you make the onion gravy.

Onion Gravy


  • Turkey juices with chopped onion and turkey neck
  • Additional wine (if needed for volume)
  • Corn starch (2 tablespoons per 1/2 cup of liquid)

The roasting pan contains turkey juices, wine, chopped onion, and the neck. Remove any obvious fat. Add additional wine if needed for volume. Remove a cup of juice and add cornstarch and mix together. Stir back into the roasting pan while simmering. Continue removing juices and adding cornstarch as needed until the roasting pan liquid reaches the desired thickness for gravy.

Place large-mesh strainer on top of a large glass measuring cup. Scoop gravy into strainer, leaving neck and onions in the pan. Reheat gravy if needed and pour from measuring cup into gravy boat for serving.