Salmon Puffs

Makes 24 puffs

Baking Temperature: 425 degrees/350 degrees

Time: 10 minutes/ 10 minutes


  • 1 cup flour (about 4 3/4 ounces)

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 cup water

  • 2 tablespoons butter

  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten

  • 4 large egg whites, lightly beaten

  • 1/4 cup chopped green onions

  • 2 ounces hot-smoked (kippered) salmon, chopped

  • Whipped Cream

Sift flour, salt and pepper into a large bowl and mix.

Combine water and butter in a medium pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add flour mixture to pot, and stir constantly with a wooden spoon until mixture forms a ball and pulls away from the sides of the pan (about 30 seconds). Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Transfer flour mixture to a large bowl.

Add 2 (whole) lightly beaten eggs, 1 at a time to the flour mixture and beat well with a mixer each time. Add beaten egg whites, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Use an immersion blender until batter is smooth.

Stir in onions and salmon. Spoon salmon mixture by rounded teaspoonfuls, 1 inch apart on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 425° for 10 minutes.

Reduce oven temperature to 350° (do not remove puffs from oven) and bake an additional 10 minutes or until puffs have risen, lightly browned, and feel dry on the top and bottom.

Remove from pan; cool completely on wire racks. Top with whipped cream before serving.