Decorator Cookie Icing

Thick icing for edging; nearly double the milk to create flood icing


  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla

  • colored dye (liquid or gel)

  • 1+ tablespoon milk

Gently whisk powdered sugar and vanilla together. Add enough dye to get the initial color you want (less for light, more for dark). Next, add 1 tablespoon of milk and whisk together. Add more dye if needed. Test the consistency of the icing by dipping the whisk into the icing and pulling it straight up to see how quickly and easily the icing drips from the whisk. Add more (<1 tablespoon) milk to get the type of icing you want. This recipe is for thick icing, but you just need to start with 2 tablespoons of milk to get flood icing.