Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 281

Owner: TT 279 Pabasa

Reasons: From its inscription and provenience.

Transliteration: jrj-pat HAtj-a Hm-nTr jmn-ra nswt nTrw jmj-rA Hmw-nTr n nTrw tA Smaw jmj-rA Smaw mj-qd=s jmj-rA pr wr dwAt-nTr pA-bA-sA mAa-xrw sA mry-nTr pA-dj-bAst mAa-xrw

Translation: Hereditary noble, mayor, a prophet of Amunre, the king of the gods, overseer of the prophets of all the gods of the land of the Upper Egypt, overseer of whole Upper Egypt, chief steward, divine adoratress, Pabasa justified, born of the one beloved of the god, Padibaset justified.

Date: 26th Dyn. Psamtik I.

Length: 9.7 digits (BM: EA 62686), 9.8 digits (MET: 30.6.42).

Colours: Thick cream paint (01-089 in Davies's notebook). A notable proportion of the cones for our Pabasa are painted white, often in a thick layer (cf. the 'Image Gallery' section of # 468 and # 469). The same style is evident in the cones owned by TT 36 Ibi (Pabasa's predecessor), # 450, # 451, # 610, and # 641/B.14, as well as those owned by TT 410 Mutirdis, who held # 48, # 387, # 603, and # 608. Pabasa, Ibi, and Mutirdis lived in the same period and it seems probable that the three individuals exerted an influence on each other with regard to the design of the cones (cf the 'Remarks' section below).

