Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 153

Owner: Senmen (?)

Reasons: --

Transliteration: wab jmj-rA Snaw n nTr nfr nb-pHtj-ra n nTr nfr Dsr-kA-ra mAa-xrw n nTr nfr aA-xpr-kA-ra n nTr nfr aA-xpr-n-ra mAa-xrw n nTrt nfr mAat-kA-ra n nTr nfr mn-xpr-ra dj anx pDtj [...] wab jmj-rA Snaw n nb-pHtj-ra sn-mn [...] Hm-nTr jmn Hm-nTr nb tAwj [...] mAat-kA-ra anx.tj nTr nfr mn-xpr-ra dj anx Dt [...]mrt=f nbt pr [...] mAa-xrw

Translation: Wab-priest, overseer of the workshop of good god Iahmose, of good god Amunhotep I justified, of good god Thutmose I, of good god Thutmose II justified, of good god Hatshepsut, of good god Thutmose III given life, bowman, [...] wab-priest, overseer of the workshop of Iahmose, Senmen [...] prophet of Amun, prophet of the lord of the Two Lands, [...] Hatshepsut hope you live, and of good god Thutmose III given life forever [...] mistress of the house [...] justified.

Date: T. III.

Length: --

Colours: --

