Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 196

Owner: TT 389 Basa

Reasons: Inscription and provenience.

Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr jt-nTr Hm mAA sStA Axt smA gbtj (gbtjwj?) jmj-js Hskw HAtj-a n njwt bA-sA sA n jt-nTr Hm mAA sStA Axt smA gbtj (gbtjwj?) jmj-js Hskw jmn-m-jnt mAa-xrw

Translation: Revered one before Osiris, god's father, servant, one who sees the secret of the morning, stolist of Gebety (stolist of Koptos?), Imi-is, priest of Osiris, mayor of the town, Basa, god's father, servant, one who sees the secret of the morning, stolist of Gebety (stolist of Koptos?), Imi-is, priest of Osiris, Amunemonet justified.

Date: 26th Dyn. (Saite Period)

Length: 19 cm (Louvre: N707/28; RMNDO000000615131), 22 cm (Pellegrini 1902: 41)

Colours: Wholly white (Louvre: N707/28; RMNDO000000615131).

