Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: --

Owner: Tjata (tomb undiscovered, perhaps at Dra Abul Naga, Asasif, or Khokhah)

Reasons: --

Transliteration: mAA ra tpj dwAyt ssn TAw nDm jmj-rA Hmwt nbt nt jmn TA-tA mAa-xrw

Translation: The one who sees the sun in the early morning and breath sweet air, overseer of all craftsmen of Amun, Tjata justified.

Date: --

Length: 16.5 x 11.5 x 8.5cm (CAA 1984: # 5210); 22 x 17 x 8 diminishing to 5cm (01-080 in Davies's notebook).

Colours: Red face and 4.1 digits of the stem with thick white over this (01-080 in Davies's notebook).

