Daressy #: --
Owner: 'Shaft 3' (which is adjacent to TT 65) Paenre
Reasons: --
Transliteration: mH-jb n nswt xntj tA Dr=f pA-n-ra sA-nswt tpj jmj-rA xAswt rsjt pA-n-ra nDm anx. xrp rs-tp Sw m bAg pA-n-ra mAa-xrw jrj. n sAb sxrw [mAa-xrw?] (cf. Zenihiro 2009a: 89)
Translation: Confidant of the king, foremost of the entire land, Paenre, first king's son, overseer of southern foreign lands, sweet of life. Vigilant controller, devoid of negligence, Paenre justified, born of sab, Sekheru [justified?].
Date: Hat. (Shaft 3 was in use before TT 65 was built (TT 65 appears to have been built around Year 16 of the reign of Hatshepsut) (Cybulski et al. 2015: 33-37).
Length: --
Colours: Red surface (Bács 2002: 54).
One from TT 251 (01-047 in Davies's notebook and 03-047 in Macadam's Red file).
One from TT 43 (Collins 1976 [JEA 62]: 39, fig. 59; cf. Vivó and Costa 1998 [BSÉG 22]: 63 – 64).
Four from or near 'Shaft 3', adjacent to TT 65 (Bács 2002: 54; Bács 2009a: 79).
Bács once suggested to read the beginning of the right sentence 'aha tpy m Hms (First Attendant in rank)’ (Bács 2002: 54), but improved the reading as shown above.
Bács mentioned that Shaft 3, which is located adjacent to TT 65, belonged to Paenre. Not only his four funerary cones but also his four canopic jars were found in and around the shaft (Bács 2009a: 79-80).
Two examples discovered by the Hungarian mission were hollow made with a wheel (Bács 2009a: 79-80). Other hollow cones are # 138, # 139, # 215, # 406, and # 550.
A fragment of his statue was found at Kerma in Sudan (Valbelle 2007 [Rd'É 58]).
See also 05-157 & 161 in Macadam's DALEX file 1, and 06-080 in his DALEX file 2.