Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 187

Owner: TT 27 Sheshonq

Reasons: Inscription and provenience

Transliteration: jrj-pat HAtj-a jmj-rA pr wr dwAt-nTr SSnq mwt=f nbt pr tA-hbt

Translation: Hereditary noble, mayor, chief steward, divine adoratress, Sheshonq, his mother, mistress of the house, Tahebet.

Date: 26th Dynasty Iahmose II (Vivó 2022: 378).

Length: 15cm (Bosticco 1994 [Vicino Oriente 9]: 121); 16cm (Ibid.: 123, 127); 17cm (Ibid.: 123); 17.5cm (Ibid.: 125); 18cm (Ibid.: 123); 19cm (Ibid.: 122); 19.5cm (Ibid.: 122); 20cm (Ibid.: 121); 20cm (Budka 2010: 738); 20.5cm (Bosticco 1994 [Vicino Oriente 9]: 124)

Colours: Medium brown (Teeter et al. 2003: 180).

