Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 2

Owner: TT 132 Ramose

Reasons: Inscription and provenience

Transliteration: sS-nswt xtmw-bjtj smr watj n mrwt jrtj nswt anxwj bjtj jmj-rA prwj-HD n nb tAwj thrq mAa-xrw ra-ms mAa-xrw jrt n nbt pr Ts-mHt-pr mAa-xrw

Translation: King's scribe, seal-bearer of the king of Lower Egypt, sole and beloved companion, eyes of the king of Upper Egypt, ears of the king of Lower Egypt, overseer of the double treasury of the lord of the Two Lands Taharqa justified, Ramose justified, born of the mistress of the house Thesmehetper justified.

Date: 25th Dynasty Taharqa.

Length: 6.7 digits (Louvre Mueum: E 5325 B (CF 23)); 6.8 digits (HAN: 1935,200,362), 7.7 digits (Liverpool Museum: 42.18.12); 7.7 digits (Louvre Mueum: E 5325 A (CF 73)); 7.7 digits (Stadler and Zauzich 2021: Textband pp. 221-222, Tafelband Taf. 70); 7.8 digits (Hunterian Museum: GLAHM D.1925.58); 8.0 digits (The Polish National Museum in Gdansk: MNG/E/11/EL. See First 2018: 3-5); 8.0 digits (Louvre Mueum: E 31876 (CF 141, EG 603)); 8.1 digits (Kunsthistorisches Museum: 5143. Personal communication between Kento Zenihiro and the staff of the museum), 8.8 digits (British Museum: EA 69222).

Colours: Integrally white coated. See Image Gallery section below. Davies states 'grey clay: face red (?)' (01-003 in his notebook).

