Daressy #: 73
Owner: TT 109 Min
Reasons: Inscription and provenience
Transliteration: HAtj-a n wHAt jmj-rA Hmw-nTr n Asjr sS mnw
Translation: Mayor of the oasis, overseer of the prophets of Osiris, scribe Min.
Date: T. III
Length: 23.5cm (BM: EA 9660)
Colours: One of the examples has a red face and 3.4 digits of the stem and the other has a red face and 5.9 digits o the stem (01-096 in Davies's notebook). The entire body was painted white (Ivanov 2021: 41-42).
One each from TT 106 and TT 23 (01-096 in Davies's notebook and 04-078 in Macadam's Green file).
Many from the 'Mond's magazine (= inner hall of TT 96. See Mond 1904 [ASAE 5]: 100)' (01-096 in Davies's notebook and 04-078 in Macadam's Green file).
31 mainly from the court of TT 23 (Collins 1976 [JEA 62]: 34).
One from TT 196 (Graefe 2003: Text p. 202; Taf. 112, Kat.501).
Unknown examples from TT 47 area (Kondo 2021: 123).
Four from TT 23 (Ivanov 2021: 41-42, 46).
The ascribed owner is the same as that of # 109. According to Borchardt and others, the owner of # 499 is also the same (Borchardt, Königsberger, and Ricke 1934 [ZÄS 70]: 31).
There appears to be a hole in the seal as a crack has been found at the top of the central column (01-096 in Davies's notebook and 04-078 in Macadam's Green file). Another one of his cones, # 109, also presents a crack.
For more detailed prosopographic data, see Auenmüller 2013: 895.
See also 05-063 in Macadam's DALEX file 1 and 06-048, 063, 068, 081, 103, & 109 in his DALEX file 2.