Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: --

Owner: TT 34 Montuemhat

Reasons: Inscription

Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr Hm-nTr 4 nw jmn mnTw-m-HAt mAa-xrw Hmt=f mrt=f rxt-nswt nbt pr wDA-rn=s mAat-xrw

Translation: Revered one before Osiris, fourth prophet of Amun, Montuemhat justified, his wife whom he loved, king's acquaintance, mistress of the house, Wdjarenes justified.

Date: 25th Dynasty Taharqa to 26th Dyn. Psamtik I.

Length: 21 cm (Pellegrini 1902: 46)

Colours: Face is painted white (ROM: 993X2.85). Some of other Montuemhat cones (# 419, # 420, # 461, # 472, # 485, # 486, and # 604) also exhibit a similar thick white layer. This practice was not exclusive to Montuemhat, but was also observed in the cases of other Late Dynasty officials, including TT 36 Ibi (# 450, # 451, # 610, and # 641/B.14), TT 410 Mutirdis (# 48, # 387, # 603, and # 608. # 48 and # 603), TT 196 Padihorresnet (# 515), and TT 279 Pabasa (# 92, # 468, and # 469). The presence of a thick white layer on the cones of these individuals suggests a potential influence from Montuemhat, who was the earliest active and powerful figure among the five.

