Daressy #: --
Owner: Netjermose (tomb undiscovered, perhaps at Dra Abul Naga)
Reasons: --
Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr sS Hsb jt n jmn nTr-ms mAa-xrw nbt pr mwt-nfrt
Translation: Revered one before Osiris, scribe of accounts of the grain of Amun, Netjermose justified, mistress of the house, Mutneferet.
Date: --
Length: 22cm (Personal communication between Kento Zenihiro and Padvan Diego.17th Apr. 2010. See the image of the example is at the Image Gallery Section below)
Colours: Red face and 0.7 digits of the stem (01-057 in Davies's notebook).
One from the court of A. 21 (Ishibashi 2007: 97-99).
One from the monastery at Deir el-Bakhit in Dra Abul Naga (Kruck 2012: 134).
One from the tomb Z1 at Dra Abul Naga (Aglan 2020: 205, 207, 273-274, 353).
There is a brick of this seal impression (03-031 in Macadam's Red file).
Macadam, Manniche and Eichler thought that the ascribed owner might be the same as that of # 67 (01-057 & 01-083 in Davies's notebook, 03-031 in Macadam's Red file, and 04-103 in Macadam's Green file; Manniche 1988a: 234-235; Eichler 2000: 300).
Netjermose may have been the son of the scribe of accounts of the grain Nebamun, from a lost tomb, of which fragments of wall reliefs are mainly preserved in the British Museum (Manniche 1988a: 141).
See also 05-