Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 75

Owner: TT 232 Minmontu (Senres)

Reasons: Provenience and situation (cf. Polz 2009: 339).

Transliteration: xtmw-bjtj Hm-nTr tpj n jmn mnw-mnTw Dd.n=f sn-rs mAa-xrw

Translation: Seal-bearer of the king of Lower Egypt, the first prophet of Amun Minmontu, called Senres, justified. 

Date: Iahmose I (Vivó 2022: 386).

Length: 31.0 cm (Kruck 2012: 41), 33 cm (Pellegrini 1902: 44), 36.0 cm (Kruck 2012: 41), 36.9 cm (Kruck 2012: 80 but see page 41).

Colours: The face is white and red (Pellegrini 1902: 44). Red all over under white (01-095 in Davies's notebook).

