
Drawn by Kento Zenihiro after Gauthier 1906 [BIFAO 6]: 142.

Daressy #: --

Owner: Setau (tomb undiscovered, perhaps at Dra Abul Naga)

Reasons: --

Transliteration: jmj-rA Snaw n jmn stAw mAa-xrw

Translation: Overseer of the workshops of Amun, Setau justified.

Date: Amunhotep III (Polz 1990b [ZÄS 117]: 55).

Length: Brick: 37-38cm x 17-18cm x 10cm; Seal impression: 10.4cm x 4.4 cm (Gauthier 1906 [BIFAO 6]: 142).

Colours: --

