Daressy #: 249
Owner: TT 123 Amunemhat
Reasons: Inscription and provenience
Transliteration: sS Hsb t n Smaw mHw jmn-m-HAt
Translation: Scribe of accounts of the bread of Upper and Lower Egypt, Amunemhat.
Date: T. III
Length: --
Colours: White slip on the body (a brick type in private collection. Gallorini et al. 1990 [EVO 13]: 73, 76.). The half of the body is painted red (ROM: 993X2.59).
Unknown examples from the court of TT 123 (Mond 1905 [ASAE 6]: 94, 96).
Each one from the west of Rammeseum, near TT 55, and in the TT 55 (01-275 in Davies's notebook).
Several stored in the 'Mond's magazine (= inner hall of TT 96. See Mond 1904 [ASAE 5]: 100)'. Among them, one was 'from his tomb near Khaemhêt' (01-275 in Davies's notebook. The tomb of Khaemhat should be TT 57 and therefore 'his tomb' should be TT 123).
Two fragments of bricks from the court of TT 55 (Mond and Emery 1927 [AAA 14]: 17).
Two from TT 29 (Tefnin & Bavay 2008 [ASAE 82]: 368).
Several probably from TT 123 (Pellini and Lemos 2023: 111).