Daressy #: --
Owner: Djehutynefer (tomb undiscovered)
Reasons: --
Transliteration: sS Hsb jHw n nswt jmj-rA sxt jmj-rA [...] DHwtj-nfr mAa-xrw
Translation: Scribe of accounts of cattle of the king, overseer of the fields, overseer of [...], Djehutynefer justified.
Date: --
Length: --
Colours: --
Each from TT 110 and TT 112. There is a possibility that these two have been one and the same example (01-111 in Davies's notebook and 04-047 in Macadam's Green file. It is worth noting that Jelf reported that one example was unearthed in TT 112 by Whittaker (Jelf MSS: 55)).
According to Macadam, the owner of the cone was that of tomb A. 6 (04-047 in Macadam's Green file), however, Gauthier discovered 71 examples of # 14 and # 397 (Gauthier 1908 [BIFAO 6]: 124-125), both of which were from the tomb A.6, but never found our # 241. Furthermore, the location of the Djehutynefer's cone is not in the Dra Abul Naga area as stated above.
See also 05-151 & 152 in Macadam's DALEX file 1 and 06-031, & 080 in his DALEX file 2.