Daressy #: --
Owner: 'Tomb 2' Ineni
Reasons: --
Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr sHD sSw jnnj mAa-xrw
Translation: Revered one before Osiris, inspector of scribes, Ineni justified.
Date: Iahmose I (Vivó 2022: 399).
Length: 25.6cm (MMA: 13.180.57), 25.7cm (MMA: 13.180.56), 28.2cm (MMA: 13.180.54).
Colours: --
Unknown examples from TT 158 area (Chassinat 1910 [BIFAO 7]: 160).
27 from the foot of the causeway of Montuhotep. Among them, at least 18 from 'Tomb 2' (east of Asasif. Polz 2007: 151. Four of them may be 13.180.54, 13.180.55, 13.180.56, and 13.180.57 currently preserved in the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
The inscription on both cones, # 424, # 425, and # 426 is identical or almost identical, as is the design, which is symmetrical. It can be concluded that the maker of the three cones is the same, and that they were created at the same time. It is likely that the three cones were set into the façade of the tomb in a symmetrical manner. This would suggest that one cone was positioned at the right half of the façade, while the other cone, bearing a different type, was set at the left half. As for the # 424 and # 425, the reason for the need for the two similar cones remains unclear. It is a matter for further investigation.
Polz argues that the tomb designated as 'tomb no. 2' by Winlock is Ineni's tomb, citing the discovery of 85 examples of # 424-426 in this location (Polz 2007: 151).
See also 01-243 in Davies's notebook, 05-027 & 028 in Macadam's DALEX file 1, and 06-082, 102, & 109 in his DALEX file 2.