Daressy #: 98
Owner: Neferperet (tomb undiscovered, perhaps at Khokhah)
Reasons: --
Transliteration: Asjr wbA-nswt wab awj nfr-prt mAa-xrw
Translation: Osiris, cup-bearer of the king, pure of hands, Neferperet justified.
Date: T. III (Legrain 1906: 69-71)
Length: --
Colours: An example has a white face and 2.0 digits of the stem. Another one (inv. # A.1906.668) has red on its face and no white paint traces (01-125 in Davies's notebook. See also 'Image Gallery' section below).
One from TT 183 (01-125 in Davies's notebook and 04-019 in Macadam's Green file).
Two from TT 179 (01-125 in Davies's notebook and 04-019 in Macadam's Green file. These may or may not be the 15.10.14 and 15.10.15, the ones preserved at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, although the web pages for each object state that they were found at or around TT 181. Roehrig states that the MMA mission led by Davies found five examples on the southern slope of Khokah hill, the area that includes TT 179, TT 181, and TT 182. Roehrig 2020: 1371-1377).
According to Macadam, 'The different impressions vary in the detail of the upper part of the wbA-sign (U 26/27). The drawing is in accordance with the Edinburgh version which Davies never saw' (04-019 in Macadam's Green file).
The Egyptian Museum in Cairo has a statue of our Neferperet. It is CG 42121 which was found in the Karnak cachette and dated to the reign of Thutmose III. The inscription on it tells of his additional titles: Smsw-nfr Hr xAswt nbt, Hsy n nTr nfr, Xrd n kAp and the names of his brother and son (jmn-m-mH-jb Amunemmehib and Dsr-kA-ra Djeserkare respectively. Legrain 1906: 69-71, Pl. LXXI).
See also 05-087 & 088 in Macadam's DALEX file 1 and 06-043 and 044 in his DALEX file 2.