Daressy #: 221
Owner: TT 127 Senemiah
Reasons: Inscription and provenience
Transliteration: sS Hsb jHw n jmn jmj-rA gs-pr sn-m-jaH mAa-xrw
Translation: Scribe of accounts of cattle of Amun, overseer of gs-pr, Senemiah justified.
Date: Hat. - A. II (Auenmüller 2013: 942).
Length: --
Colours: --
Unknown examples from TT 156 and TT 55 respectively (01-254 in Davies's notebook).
Three from the north-west of Deir el Bahari (01-254 in Davies's notebook).
Unknown examples from the court of TT 89 (Mond 1905 [ASAE 6]: 96).
Some from TT 23; one from the court of TT 105-107 (Collins 1976 [JEA 62]: 34–35).
The ascribed owner is identical to that of # 446, # 447, # 494, and # 514.
The five cones can be grouped in two by design: # 446 - # 447 and # 494, - # 514, - # 556. It is likely that the ancient Egyptians did not have as many as five cones. It is possible that Senemiah had the two groups at different times. However, it is unclear which group he had first and which group second. The titles of the two groups are almost identical, suggesting that the reason for abandoning one group is not simply a matter of promotion. It is possible that Senemiah constructed his second tomb for unknown reasons, necessitating the use of a different set of cones. However, there is no clear distinction between the locations where the cones were discovered, making this hypothesis merely speculative.
Macadam translated gs-pr as 'administrative office' (04-033 in Macadam's Green file and 06-091 in his DALEX file 2).
See also 05-124 in Macadam's DALEX file 1 and 06-031, 032, 091, & 109 in his DALEX file 2.