Daressy #:
Owner: Samut (Tomb undiscovered)
Reasons: --
Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr jrj [bnrt] n mn-xpr-[ra] sA-mwt mAa-xrw xr nTr [aA]
Translation: Revered one before Osiris, keeper [of the date wine] of Thutmose III, Samut, justified before the [great] god.
Date: T. III
Length: --
Colours: --
One from the 'Areal A' in Dra Abul Naga (Kruck 2012: 142).
Helck interpreted the second and third lines as 'jrj-a.t n Mn-xpr-Ra' (Helck 1959: 372). However, DAI found a clearer example, and we now know that Helck's interpretation was incorrect (Kruck 2012: 142).
A sculpture, inventory number N 54 (A. 53), is conserved at the Louvre museum and portrays the owner and his wife Mutneferet (Legrain 1906 [ASAE 7]: 187. See also here).
See also 01-235 in Davies's notebook, 05-117 in Macadam's DALEX file 1, and 06-031 & 036 in his DALEX file 2.