Daressy #: 11
Owner: Tahersechanef (tomb undiscovered, perhaps at Dra Abul Naga)
Reasons: --
Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr jrj bnrt n jmn tA-Hr-sTA-n=f jn sA=f sanx rn=f jrj bnrt n jmn Hr-jry mAa-xrw
Translation: Revered one before Osiris, keeper of the date wine of Amun, Tahersechanef. (Made) By his son, perpetuator of his name, keeper of the date wine of Amun, Heriry justified.
Date: --
Length: --
Colours: 'Face red stem, white over strong red' (01-022 in Davies's notebook).
23 from TT 11–12 area (Galán and Borrego 2006 [Memnonia 17]: 205).
The ascribed is identical to that of # 39.
The contents of the inscription on both cones, # 9 and # 39, is almost identical, with the exception of the mention of the father of the owner in the former. The two texts exhibit disparate writing habits, specifically with regard to spelling, which suggests that they were created by different individuals. However, the reason for the need for the two similar cones, and the order of their creation remain unclear. These are matters for further investigation.
He is also the owner of a red stela in the Nicholson Museum of the University of Sydney (inv. no. R8. van Dijk 2006).
As for the date, van Dijk states 'the later part of the 18th Dynasty, before the Amarna Period. [snip] sometime during the reigns of Amenhotep II, Thutmosis IV, or Amenhotep III. [snip] in the second half of this period' (van Dijk 2006: 297).
See also 03-081 in Macadam's Red file, 05-110 & 142 in his DALEX file 1, and 06-047, 048, & 051 in his DALEX file 2.