Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 180

Owner: TT 53 Amunemhat

Reasons: Inscription and provenience

Transliteration: jmj-st-a n jmn jmn-m-HAt mAa-xrw xr Asjr jr.n jmj-st-a n jmn jtj-nfr

Translation: Acolyte of Amun, Amunemhat, justified before Osiris, born of the acolyte of Amun, Itinefer.

Date: T. III (Champollion 1844: 513)

Length: 22.5cm (ROM: 993X2.64).

Colours: Face: Munsell 5YR 5/8; other part: 10R 4/6 (CAA 1984: IN 1669) or 5YR 6/4-6 (the same example as the previous one. von Droste zu Hülshoff et al. 1991: 420). There are white painted parts around the body (ROM: 993X2.64 and see also here).

