Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 218

Owner: TT 196 Padihorresnet

Reasons: Inscription and provenience

Transliteration: jrj-pat HAtj-a jmj-rA pr wr dwAt-nTr pA-dj-Hr-rsnt sA jmj-rA jmjw-xnt dwAt-nTr Axt-jmn-rw

Translation: Hereditary noble, mayor, chief steward, divine adoratress, Padihorresnet, son of the overseer of the chamberlains, divine adoratress, Akhetamunru.

Date: 26th Dyn. (Saite Period)

Length: 13.5 cm (BM: EA 9710)

Colours: "Yellow clay pottery" (01-252 in Davies's notebook). The entire body was painted white (Ivanov 2021: 44). White, often in a thick layer (cf. 'Image Gallery' section below). This practice was not exclusive to Padihorresnet, but was also observed in the cases of other Late Dynasty officials, including TT 34 Montuemhat cones (# 418, # 419, # 420, # 461, # 472, # 485, # 486, and # 604), TT 36 Ibi (# 450, # 451, # 610, and # 641/B.14), TT 410 Mutirdis (# 48, # 387, # 603, and # 608), TT 196 Padihorresnet (# 515), and TT 279 Pabasa (Ibi's successor who held # 92, # 468, and # 469). The presence of a thick white layer on the cones of these individuals suggests a potential influence from Montuemhat, who was the earliest active and powerful figure among the five.

