Daressy #: 78
Owner: TT 96 Sennefer
Reasons: Inscription and provenience
Transliteration: HAtj-a n njwt rsjt jmj-rA pr n jmn sn-nfr mAa-xrw snt=f mnaj nswt sn-nAy
Translation: Mayor of the Southern City, steward of Amun, Sennefer justified, his wife, royal tutor, Sennay.
Date: A. II (Wasmuth 2003: 145).
Length: 21.9cm (BM: EA 65144), 22.3cm (BM: EA 65145)
Colours: Red on the face and the stem (01-097 in Davies's notebook).
Combined with # 223, 200 from TT 93 (Mond 1904 [ASAE 5]: 98).
According to Davies and Macadam, 'a number of' examples of this type were found in TT 96 (01-097 in Davies's notebook and 04-076 in Macadam's Green file. Mond, however, did not specify the exact type clearly. Mond 1904 [ASAE 5] 101-101).
They may be kept in 'Mond's magazine (= inner hall of TT 96. See Mond 1904 [ASAE 5]: 100)' (01-097 in Davies's notebook and 04-076).
One from TT 99 (Strudwick and Strudwick 2016: 53).
The ascribed owner is identical to that of # 223.
The dimensions, design, findspots, and handwriting of # 223 and # 224 suggest that the maker of the two is the same and that they may have been created at the same time. Conversely, # 224 mentions the owner's wife, Sennay, which suggests that the cone was made after their marriage. Therefore, it may be posited that # 223 was made first and then # 224 was made. The chronology of the two cones' production will remain unresolved until further evidence is uncovered.
For more detailed prosopographic data, see Auenmüller 2013: 904-905.
See also 05-125 & 129 in Macadam's DALEX file 1 and 06-049, 055, 060, 063, 103, & 110 in his DALEX file 2.