Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 48

Owner: Nakht of the unnumbered tomb (above TT 69)

Reasons: Inscription and provenience. The tomb was discovered in 2007 by Mansour Boraik, Head of Luxor Antiquities, and his team (Taher 2008: 13–14).

Transliteration: jmAxy xr Asjr [sA]-nswt tpy n HAt jmn nxt mAa-xrw xr jmn snt=f nbt pr mwt-nfrt

Translation: Revered one before Osiris, first king's son before Amun, Nakht, justified before Amun, his wife, mistress of the house, Mutneferet.

Date: A. III (Radwan 1973 [MDAIK 29])

Length: --

Colours: Red face (01-061 in Davies's notebook).

