Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 228

Owner: Paenre (his tomb is perhaps at Qurna)

Reasons: --

Transliteration: wr n mDAw jmj-rA xAswt nw xr kTn tpj n Hm=f pA-n-ra mAa-xrw

Translation: Chief of the medjay, overseer of the foreign lands belonging to Kharu, first charioteer of his majesty, Paenre justified.

Date: R. II (Petrie 1896: Pl. 19; Daressy 1900a: 143; Borchardt 1934: 80-81; Nims 1956 [MDAIK 14]).

Length: 12.8 digits (Louvre: E 14370 (CF 118)).

Colours: Red face (Munsell: 10R 5/6) and grey body (Munsell: 10R 4/1. Naguib 1987 [BSÉG 11]: 80).

