Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 91

Owner: TT 74 Tjanuni

Reasons: Inscription and provenience

Transliteration: sS-nswt sS nfrwt sS mnfyt TAnw mAa-xrw

Translation: King's scribe, scribe of recruits, army scribe, Tjanu justified.

Date: T. IV (Hartwig 2004: 201)

Length: 10.7d on average (Brack and Brack 1977: 73).

Colours: Red face (10 R 6/6), red-brown body (2, 5 YR 5/6), and grey inner body (5 YR 3/1 (Ibid.: 73)). White slip (Goddard 2012: '1951.52'). Red face and 2.7 digits of the stem, whitewashed (01-103 in Davies's notebook).

