Copyright: Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. 

Daressy #: 30

Owner: TT 200 Didu

Reasons: Inscription and provenience

Transliteration: mH-jb n nb tAwj kf qn n mnfyt snDm jb m tA r-Dr=f n-aAt-n mrwt=f xr=f Hrj dydw mAa-xrw xr nTr aA

Translation: Confidant of the lord of the Two Lands, brave warrior of troops, one who rejoices in the entire land for his love before him, chief Didu, justified before the great god.

Date: T. III - A. II (Champollion 1844: 528).

Length: 29.8cm (BM: EA 62803)

Colours: White (Bedman (ed.) 2017: 216); Red with a white overlay on face + 5 inches of the stem (01-007 in Davies's notebook).

