Daressy #: --
Owner: Amunhotep (tomb undiscovered)
Reasons: --
Transliteration: sA-nswt tpj n jmn jmn-Htp
Translation: First king's son of Amun, Amunhotep.
Date: --
Length: --
Colours: --
One (BM: EA 65189) from Thebes (James 1959 [JEA 45]: 116).
Dewachter suggested that the owner of # 166 and # 276 might have been the same person and that Amunhotep was the son of TT 87 Nakhtmin (Dewachter 1984 [RdE 35]: 83-86). I agree with the identity of the owner between # 276 and # 612/A.01, but since # 166 has a different design, I cannot consider the cone to have been belonged to the same official at present.
The titles 'wab tpj n jmn' on # 276 and 'sA-nswt tpj n jmn' on # 612/A.01 are essentially synonymous, differing only in their respective expressions (Kees 1960 [ZAS 85]). Additionally, the designs of the both cones exhibit an identical arrangement of letters. These observations collectively suggest that both cones were created by the same individual, (therefore) likely at approximately the same time.