The world of funerary cones and stamped bricks

This website is dedicated to the study of funerary cones (Grabkegel, Friesziegel, cônes funéraires, conos funerarios, Grafkegel, pohřební kužel, Νεκρικοι κωνοι, gravkoner, Begrafniskegel, Sírkúpok, stożki pogrzebowe, stożki grobowe, المخاريط الجنائزية ,الأقماع الجنائزية, 葬送用コーン, grobni stožec, gravkjegler, cons funeraris, חרוט קבר, grobni čunjasti, Погребальный конус, cones funerários, Grabkonus) and stamped bricks.