98. 4 in One

4 in one


Kirlian photography electro-luminescent spider webs materializing into cev field, gradually morphing into more recognizable feline striped patterns. 'picassoesque' geometrically styled feline figures, faces, and anatomy begin arising and subsiding out of this field as if I were observing these visions 'boiling' up to the surface of a liquid. entranced but aware, i recognize this as my cue to 'blink'. (with dmt visions, i've discovered i can 'blink' or flash my eyes open a split second to teleport or change visions instantaneously, much like changing the channel on a tv) hyperspace is imminent…

After the blink, I'm in a very ancient/modern deserted laboratory or study. It's dusty with lots of brassy or copper oxidized orbital translucent/glassine spheres, almost like armillary spheres encased with a translucent mica. Some translucent, some solid. I think were around a dozen in varying degrees of translucent/opaque. They were very organic and alive, yet static. non-transforming, a hybrid of ancient and futuristic tech. I don't sense any entities other than the various spheres which seem somewhat animated in a biological sense, simultaneously seemed like they were in stasis and not infused with an egoic 'entity' force. Hibernating…

After observing a minute, I blink once again and teleport into a totally different space. Immediately upon arriving, I sense a very crowded dense space, full of entities. This is my first encounter with the 'machine elves', 2 of them on both sides of my light source. (a single tea light on my bookcase about 2 ft. from the ceiling, in a 'broken glassy' enclosure giving off a nice diffuse indirect light) surrounding me just outside of visual range. I perceive, but do not see, an audience of very small entities, cricket like? They are insectoid, but more of a hive mind intelligence like ants. I sense a festive mood from them... they're here for a show and I'm a guest of honor (blush) . I feel like I'm about to be wowed and they are getting a giggle out of this.

Wowed, I am... the elves begin producing and manifesting thin plates of stained glass, shuffling and juggling them into place. These plates are slightly flowing, and have irregular bottoms like a puzzle, but all have a uniform rounded spherical top. The speed and dexterity with which they are manipulating these plates into place seems so surreal it almost overwhelms me. It feels like I'm watching video at 10x speed or time lapse of something occurring over a long period of time. as the plates begin to stack and be manipulated into place it becomes apparent they are building some sort of contraption.

This contraption begins to solidify, from the outward perimeter toward the middle, taking on a more solid form. As they near completion, the interior glass is hexagonal in it's center and I can still faintly see the candle light source upon the bookshelf. after they had completed manifesting/building this contraption they aligned it perfectly to the lightsource so it would specifically shine onto me. The unseen audience was also in awe, like the elves has just pulled off an elaborate magic trick. It resembled some sort of telescopic device, but not in a magnifying way. it seemed i was in a 'spotlight' of sorts... i found this so hilarious i laughed out loud and exclaimed to my sitter something we can't specifically remember, but overall that i was astounded and amazed this was happening. I felt that this scenario had run its course and i blinked again…

Teleportation into a completely different space/scenario... I'm in a domed/conical space that feels like it's at the very top of something, with a much larger space underneath. i'm observing what appears to be a superbowl trophy on top of a pedestal (i'm not interested in sports or football at all fyi) the object on top of the pedestal is shaped much more like an egg than a football. it seems to be made of metal, but with a glassy translucent viewing portal to the interior. estimating the size i would say it appeared to be about 6 ft. on the longest axis. inside it appeared to be incredibly complex and have a connection to the 'universe' as a supercomputer or something. I started to perceive a secondary light source coming over my right shoulder, shining upon it.

I then sense a shadowy figure approaching from within this light source in my peripheral vision. I could sense a presence coming up on my right side... I didn't turn my head to look but focused my awareness that way. As this entity comes into my visual field, I perceive it to be a giant beetle around 7ft. tall and around 4 ft. wide. it seemed headless, as most of the other prominent entities in my visions so far. as it entered more fully into my visual field, I was entranced by the robe it was wearing. I was giving way to the intricacy and beauty of the robe, it was jeweled and fractal. I just wanted to gaze into its splendor…

I withdrew back into my own space, alongside this beetle entity and it came up beside me. It was looking at the ovoid orbital thing on the pedestal, and I got a sense of empathy. That is was a caretaker of this space and the object, but was just as amazed and perplexed by it as me and we were both gazing upon it in wonder. The beetle entity seemed powerful, but no more than myself. not friendly, but not unfriendly either. it just was…

We gazed upon this ovoid/spherical object and my vision began to fade a bit. I opened my eyes to see if the vision remained, but I had returned to my room. I told my sitter something to the effect of experiencing unequaled amazement...