48. Report #268

Report #268 — entities

The launch process goes off without a hitch... one huge lungful, and then a second to finish the bowl, but it's not as 'cloudy' smoke. But I go through the 'entry' of hyperspace like a 'blip' ... I'm just there, in a room, the playpen. It wasn't frenetically busy this time, but there was something going on that my arrival 'interrupted' ... like a class and I just came up through the floor and spooked the class!

I am now feeling very 'recognized' — there are young child-like beings expecting me. They show themselves as children, but this could be a disguise to 'buffer' the real form they have. They are totally non-threatening that way; cute, shy, but very explicitly 'there' and showing themselves. Still, some hide away in the background, but many sort of 'bask' in my gaze, letting me see.

Imagine a shrine-like space carved out into the wall; inside sits a child. I'm in the room looking at the walls, mesmerized but watching intently, as the wall is covered in 'hyperspace decor' ... coloured dots and bumps facets all over. This child is the least shy and I get to 'greet' it very deliberately, but it never leaves the altar space in the wall.

'Kids' run about pulling veils off all sorts of things, even showing themselves veiled and then covering up again. The kid in the shrine is the main one looking at me, the most completely 'unveiled'. What used to be a 'sneaky' way of revealing with the veil, now is more like "Ta dah!" ... See ... ! Kids curled up, hiding, crouching under veils... The playpen is occupied by kids 'in the walls' and running around the room.

The room is also occupied by the presence of a snake, flicking a tongue, and hiding behind the kid in the wall. DMT space has always had this flicking presence. I call it 'the snake' since it's taken on that image too, and flicked its tongue. The snake and kids are so familiar, and a constant in all my recent hyperspace launches.

I say "please let me watch" ... and all that I know is that I'm not supposed to wander off too far, it's OK to watch what's here in the play pen ... An adult female being also appears and is like the 'caretaker' of the playpen... makes sure I don't 'wander' off... BUT I try to! and so we end up playing 'keep away' ... I'm like a bratty kid in the playpen wanting to run amok too!

Now outside, the playpen seems under a trap door. I emerged above it by going through a roof that has now become a large, mirrored, pool table sized altar. Outside, since I see trees or jungle behind what appears to be an Aztec monument I am standing on, and I've emerged out of the top of it. The guardian figure chases me around the altar on top of this monument, which had become a huge mirrored table, and I try not to get caught ... then it's a game of 'woo hoo' look at me ... I'm here and I'm going to run around while I can ...! She quickly engages me in the game of catch, which has me going in circles anyways so I'm really 'caught' in this game of keep away. It's her job to keep me occupied... and she plays my game to get me back in her 'control' ... The altar-table is my portal back out, and I have to thank everyone again, for being so permissive of me ... I was disruptive, but I amused them. And it's OK, ... they'll have 'more' for me next time...

The re-entry is rapid, and I can't recall the actual exit. I know I was "there' quite clearly ... I had arrived in the play pen and immediately knew that place. I descend to after-images in 2D, feeling warm and somewhat satisfied. I got to see and remember so much this time ...