25. Naked Lady of the Forest

Naked Lady of the Forest || Profound DMT Trip Experience Explained


Published on 28 Nov 2017


About 8 seconds in the most intense, extreme feeling came over my body. I had to let the breath out. Everything started fracturing before my eyes. Everything started turning into a framework, like buildings being built by construction workers and architects and fracturing and turning into colors and round edges and edges that were round and colors that I’ve never seen before, and reverberating patterns right before my eyes.

After that I was knocked out immediately. I knew my eyes were shut and I was immediately jettisoned out of my body. Even though it felt quick, it felt like an instant slowed down and I was trying to claw at my body. There was an innate fear behind it all. It felt like these layers were being stripped. The harder I tried to fight it the harder it ripped these layers. What felt like ego.

I was jettisoned upward into a room. It was golden, beautifully but jeweled colored room that was changing and ever morphing. And all of a sudden the room started shaking and I could see this tunnel forming in front of me that I couldn’t see the end of. It dipped down like a waterfall. I heard a whirring, a pitch that was getting louder and louder as I went down this tunnel and got bigger. The pitch got louder and turned into the chitter chatter of little creatures but they were hiding behind the sides of the tunnel. It felt like they were saying buckle your seatbelt and get ready.

All of a sudden I got so freaked out and fearful because of the colors and the shapes and I didn’t know what was going on. I came back to, physically opened my eyes and everything in my room was fucked. I had a bow and arrows on my wall and it just broke into a million pieces and shattered and was like a hundred different colors then came back together and was just warbling. And I had a pair of sunglasses on the wall that was shooting rainbows out of both lenses. I go to look at my phone to try to pull back to reality and it had only been 2 minutes.

All the letters and numbers on the phone turned into ancient symbols and I realized that I can’t fight this. I lay back on the couch and lay down. And when I went through to the other side there was this serene stillness and everything was serene. I was within a facility within a dome that was pristine and so clear that it looked like it wasn’t there. It was a perfect steel structure and massive glass dome that harbored plants. Beautiful plants, trees, bushes and grass and the whole. It looked like a preservation or an animal preservation and a bright blue sun in the middle of that dome.

I was on a conveyor belt almost as if I was a tourist on a tour. Shortly after that I was looking at one of the panes of glass and all of a sudden appeared this lady. She was a geometrical framework and the framework and the framework around her was moving faster than she was. She was the perfect figure of a naked woman and her framework was flowing and playful and she was laying in the air and she’s talking to me. What she says to me is: Don’t take life so seriously. She said she is the caretaker of this dome with the plants, so she was essentially a horticulturalist. I felt like I was on a planet that focused on plant life.

I slowly faded back in and opened my eyes. Everything was still fucked and I looked at a box with rubber gloves and a doctor’s staff with a snake and wings on it. The wings were flapping. And it was like the mother staff that was giving birth to all these little ones that were flying off and disappearing. I look at the phone and everything is normal.