100. Spiritual Encounter

Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light


BLAST OFF - With my goal in mind, and feeling really relaxed about what lay ahead, I packed half a cone of weed, and filled the other half with DMT. I smoked it as slow as I could, and lay back, closing my eyes. As it came on, I could feel myself leaving my body. I began to slowly float upwards as though floating up and through my roof. My eyes were closed and above me a wall appeared. It was made of what looked like cells, green and slowly pulsating.

I felt myself float back to consciousness immediately. It was not enough to break through. My mate, being the quick thinker, packed me a FUCKING HUGE cone of DMT and quickly handed it to me. I smoked it, taking in as much as I could, and holding it until it spewed forth in one large choking cough. At the same time, I fell back into a lying position and felt myself rocket at the speed of light through the wall which I had floated towards less than a minute ago…

I still had my question in mind as a large booming voice told me "DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS." The voice was not spoken, but more communicated...At this same time, the green cellular shapes which made up the wall above me transformed into a matrix of shapes resembling skulls, and torn open as I passed through it. Everything was happening so fast as I passed through some sort of tunnel or wormhole at hyper-speed...Next, I found myself leaving the tunnels and passing through an entrance as to some sort of cavern. The entrance was guarded on either side by these statuesque looking creatures which appeared to be half monkey and half wolf.

As I passed them, my limbs were torn from my body by these creatures. Funnily, this didn't seem to bother me. I felt no pain nor fear. I was now inside this cavern which was made of red burning rock, the ground a pool of bubbling molten lava. It struck me that this may be hell? I watched from the cave entrance as I saw what I believed was myself, floating above the lava, black and charcoaled. I then disintegrated into dust…

It was at this stage that some kind of being or entity told me telepathically "Do not try to remember all this...It is too much", and I remember feeling that I may fry my brain if I did not heed it's warning.

Again I blasted off through the tunnels. This time possibly faster than before. My memory here becomes a little vague. When I try to think about it now, it feels like I have all this stuff which I experienced inside me, but cannot access it. As soon as I remember this part of my journey it disappears, but what I do remember is feeling as though I had just everything which exists. Every creation, every creature, every emotion. EVERYTHING. I remember in particular seeing many galaxies from a distance, which appeared to form spirals visuals. Then it was over, and I found myself in yet another strange place.

It was as though I was sitting among the stars in the middle of space, and this is where I had my first real communication with some sort of being or entity. Everything was quiet and relaxed now and I remember feeling really peaceful and comfortable with where I was. Although I could feel a presence, I could not focus on it. As soon as I saw it, it would move. It was like a small ball of white light and it began to communicate with me telepathically, telling me that there were things I needed to change in my life.

I guess my question was being answered, not by telling me what WOULD happen over the next year, but instead, what NEEDED to happen...At the time, I was on yet another prescription for depression and smoking a shitload of weed. It told me that I needed to stop taking antidepressants, and stop smoking weed, and instead, spend more time with my mother, for she was the "ultimate source" of happiness.

At this point, a hologram or visual of my mother appeared before me, and through her upper body, a large white light pierced through her, where her heart was. I thanked the being, and said that I would do all of these things, and began to fade away from it, but still found myself for a period of time trapped between the stars. I couldn't seem to come back...I then felt myself being drawn back towards where i had just been, and the being returned and made me understand that it was not enough to just 'say' that i would do these things, but i actually had to 'mean' it...Once i understood this, i felt myself fading away again, and then remember opening my eyes and realising Iwas back to reality.....

I WAS BLOWN AWAY! I quickly phoned my mate, who I actually remember hearing leave as my journey began, and he told me that it had been just over half an hour since I'd began my journey....That experience changed me and I felt as though it was really cleansing and spiritual. I felt as though it had put me back on a path from which I had strayed many years before, putting me back in sync with who I really am and in a way waking me up.